CAS: 9002-18-0 EC: 232-658-1
[expand title=»SHOW SPECIFICATIONS» tag=»h6″]
- Appearance White to pale brown powder
- Particle size (mesh 60 ASTM) ≥ 95%
- Loss on drying ≤ 12%
- Residue on calcination ≤ 5%
- Turbidity 1.5 % Before autoclaving ≤ 8NTU
- pH (1.5%) before autoclaving 6.0 – 7.5
- pH (1.5%) after autoclaving 6.0 – 7.5
- Colourimetry before autoclaving (450 nm) ≤ 0.25
- Colourimetry after autoclaving (450 nm) ≤ 0.30
- Gel strenght (Nikan method) Before autoclaving 800 – 1100g/cm2
- Gel point (1.5%) 34 – 38°C
- Melting range (1.5%) 85 – 90°C
- Concentration of use 1.2 – 1.6%